Sunday 2 December 2018

Its Xmas time in the RV

On Monday we both had appointments with our new family Doctor. The usual make sure we're still ticking kind of appointment and introduction type thing. Tuesday Brad started a new medication and also went off the vape and on to the patch. He thinks the vape is doing more harm than good and I can't argue the point since its still relatively new. He has been handling it extremely well, I was worried about doing both on the same day, but although he's struggling with it I wouldn't say anymore than would be expected.

Wednesday we did laundry and Xmas shopping for the grandkids and we were going to go and meet a YouTuber we have been following for about 3.5 years - Finding Simon, who is currently renovating a massive 47Ft Solar and Wind Catamaran on an island just north of us. Unfortunately, Brad wasn't quite up to it and we had to back out but we will try again hopefully this week. Not sure but I think I mentioned that we're back on the sailboat kick again... just can't shake it, probably doesn't help that we see them all day every day in the harbours around here. Still calculating the Monohull / Catamaran issue, not to mention the are we on crack issue....

Ray & Deb are planning a trip to Victoria and I am currently working on convincing Brad to join them as we've been wanting to go that way since we arrived but haven't managed it yet. Give me time... give me time... (and don't mention it -- Margaret!)

Otherwise its been a rather quiet week outside of pickleball. Our lot closes Escrow tomorrow (Monday) so that will be one less headache.

Saturday was Dec 1st of course, so the Xmas stuff goes up. It makes it feel more enclosed in here that's for sure.

Got a 2Ft'er this year because last year's 3Ft'er was too big

Learned this one from my Daughter-in-Law

Did that damn mirror too that we hate but are afraid to take off in case it ruins the 'wallpaper'

She's a cutie and our stockings hang nicely on our cell phone magnet balls


We went to a local Xmas Craft Fair down in Fulford yesterday and they had Sherry Trifle! No way was I passing that up, got the last one too. Heavy on the Sherry it was. Delish.

Supper once again at The Oyster Catcher
and our favourite waiter explained that this picture on their wall comes from an old pub in North Hampshire, England called Shipstones, hence the name of the attached pub at The Oyster Catcher.

I have likely posted this before but its so awesome that it is worth repeating.

OH, and Santa?! -- I've been a VERY GOOD Girl! :D


  1. Time is flying by and hoping you will like your new Winter get-away. Hoping Brad's back starts to improve under this new Doctor's care
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Hey guys, nice to hear from you as always! Unfortunately Brad's back is hooped and its just a matter of managing the pain these days. We are constantly trying new things, if we discover a secret we'll be sure to write it up.

  2. Maybe you could cover up that 'hated mirror' with a square map of Canada tacked up over it since you are from Canada, one that is a hint larger than the mirror.Or even Christmas wrapping paper and the bow for a temporary cover up. A nice size foam board of sorts and cover the foam board with a contrasting material and pin family photos to cover the board which might help hide the mirror without pulling it off and damaging the wall. I really enjoy your blog! ~Pam in Louisiana~

    1. THAT is a Great Idea Pam! Now I'm mad I didn't think of it myself. Thanks for that and watch for the fix on the blog, happy to have you following along.

  3. Sounds like you are really enjoying the island. Sorry to hear about Brad's back, it can be really hard managing back pain. You said your lot is closing escrow, is that the one in the US? What's happening with the one in the east? Your RV looks so Christmas cozy! Cheers,

  4. Lookin very festive. I traded my 2 foot tree for a 7.5 foot tree this year. lol Fortunately had enough decorations in storage to dress it up as long as you don't look at the back of the tree. :)

  5. I remember spending days sailing on my dad's 28 footer on Lake Huron and Lake Ontario, certainly great times. But, it can be strenuous at times, especially if you get caught by a sudden storm. Thinking of Brad's back, would be something to consider. Sailing can be a great experience, slicing thru the water, no noise but the wind filling the sails, the flutter as you come about and the slapping of the halyards against the mast while angered or tied up alongside the dock. Not an easy decision, good luck with it.

    1. Nice to hear from you again Bill. Sailing is a very romantic notion but we are aware of our limitations and might just get a trawler instead... alternately, we could just stay with what we have... the world is our oyster...


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