Saturday 13 January 2018

We have moved in

It was a busy day yesterday, we had to go into Temecula to get a power washer so Brad could clean the pad before we moved in. We knew that closing yesterday was going to be likely and we were excited enough to move asap. (Escrow closed around 3pm)

While we were at Lowe's we also bought a new BBQ and rented the 'Lowe's truck' (a 1/2 ton you can rent by the hour to take your purchases home). Once we returned home Dave & Karen came over to help us offload and I ran over to our rig and got it set to move, putting things away and closing the slide. We didn't have official confirmation of the close at that point but had been given permission to move over regardless.

Dave then followed me back to Lowe's to return the truck and return me to the resort, Thanks neighbour. While we were doing that Brad was finishing the power wash and took the RV for a propane fill.

Once back home I drove the rig around the corner to our new site and Brad and I got it set up in short order and began to assemble the new fire pit coffee table but the sun was about to settle so we called it a day and went to The 15th Hole with Dave & Karen for supper. They had run out of Lasagna (it was Pasta night), coleslaw and french fries, so burgers it was.

After supper we went over to help Dave & Karen with a small project and then we all went over to sit at the fire pit on our old site since we didn't get our new pit assembled and Dave needs to refill the tank on his. Had a good long gab session before heading home for the night.

It wasn't until this morning when I sat down to write that I realized I hadn't taken any pictures so will remedy that today and have some nice pictures of the new site as we have it arranged. Our rig is tiny compared to the vast majority of 45 footers in this resort, and our site is already pretty large so it looks even smaller but we have more 'living' room this way and allows us plenty of room for a larger rig eventually.


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