Wednesday 18 March 2020

A chill St. Pat's Day

After watching the spiral that was Monday, we stayed mostly around the RV today. With the rules changing seemingly every hour on the hour, its almost an advantage to already be Q'd... who can keep track?! Gheesh, the world is a very different place than it was just a week ago. What will it be like in 30 days, 60 - 90?!

Big Brother Canada contestants were in their own isolation without any knowledge of any of this since they were 'put in' the house before the end of Feb... they were apparently told about the situation today. The world may well be unrecognizable to them when the show is over.

This news story just came out tonight: Feds look to invoke the Emergencies Act to combat COVID-19 and in tomorrow's joint news announcement I expect they will be closing the borders to all but essentials.

My dad and his fiance sure timed their cruise well, just a day or so before they disembarked was when the 1st cruise ship was quarantined.... they managed to tour the cays before flying home to Windsor and I'm thankful to say that was a couple/3 weeks ago so they are clear of that at least. Although it gives me great concern that they live in a highrise 55+ condo complex... but there is only so much you can do, and they are taking precautions.

If you have not, stock up now. Shelter in place will be rolled out likely Wednesday or Thursday. This will impede any movement. Essentially 'Martial Law'.

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day Everyone... even if it was cancelled...

With the truck finished and the Jeep returned to its usual parking space, we needed to tidy up our outdoor living space.

All tidied up and rearranged to take the best advantage of what is still a winter's sun there is another sunnier spot but it is just outside our little spot and I'm still considering that option and watching it for amount of sun, etc.

Everyone parked in their respective proper places once again

Our back garden forest

We did take Robbie for a walk yesterday (Monday) afternoon and I intended to take pictures but as we were walking out the door I realized that all of our electronics had been drained by the spiral that was Monday - and needed to recharge so I chose to recharge them all rather than try to get 1 picture when I was at 12% before I even left home. This is why there was no new blog this am (Tuesday). Remember, I am writing in the evenings now and scheduling the posts for 4am PST the following morning. Hence, it is Tuesday 940pm PST as I write this.

Our temperatures are expected to rise this week with some rain predicted for next week. I have quite a few plants to sort out tomorrow as roots are overwhelming the pods already in garlic, green onions and peas and 'they' say we are past overnight below 0C temps so its time to get them in bigger pots.

I will try to keep something charged for our walk tomorrow.

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