Tuesday 10 March 2020

A surprise sit request

So this am I awoke at 6:45am and headed downstairs at our house sit. Today (Monday) was going home day as the owner is returning this afternoon and the house needed to be cleaned and bedding stripped and washed, all that fun stuff.

Pop the kettle on to boil, turn the Keurig on to pre-heat the water for His Lordship should he arise and start a fire to warm the place up because I cannot stand being cold.

Check phone for overnight dingers (thank God for Do Not Disturb) and someone sent us a message on www.trustedhousesitters.com So a week ago we had applied for a 5 week sit here on our little island which would take us to just before we leave on our nationwide trip... eventually they chose someone a friend recommended and so we decided to stop applying for sits before the trip with the Covid-19 thing going so strong right now - we'd just see what happened with it and go from there...

Turns out the person they chose to house sit for their holiday in Palm Springs is American and doesn't want to get stuck in Canada -- perhaps they read my last blog LOL... so they called us to see if we could still do it. After much discussion we decided to go ahead and agree to the sit, now if things go to hell (BC had its first covid-19 death today) they obviously won't be going but as of now they still intend to follow through.

They have a beautiful blonde full size poodle named Annie, so we (except Brad who had a massage -- it's Monday people, keep up!!) met at a local park to make sure the dogs were okay together. They got along famously and turns out they play head games with their dog the same way we do with Robbie... sure hope they get to go because I think it would be great fun with these two dogs... and the woman and I have met previously as she was in a 'showing' I did of our campground for the local Information Center last spring.

We will all meet again at their home on Wednesday so they can show us the lay of the land and then likely we'll 'move in' on Friday as they catch the red eye ferry Sat am. Upon their return we will then have about a week at our home until we leave on our trip - all things being equal, of course.

Daffy front and center, the prancing girls pulling up the rear

This last sit was fun but with the accident and some other things on the go we didn't get out much. Sgt Major Daffy Duck and his duo of prancing girls were funny to watch, and I did -- back and forth waddle waddle waddle, squalk squalk squalk. Daffy couldn't walk without commanding his troops at the same time, it was hilarious. You always knew when they were moving because you could hear him barking orders... 1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4...

When we went to Courtney for that 2 week sit we felt it was too long (perhaps the rain everyday was the problem), this latest duck sit was only 4 nights and we have to haul a lot of stuff just for 4 nights, our clothes, CPAP, Robbies kit, our groceries, the Keurig and his kettle was broken - so our kettle too - a lot of work for just a few days. Plus I had to take my garden sprouts because they would get very cold left in the RV...

5 weeks and 2 days for this next sit so definitely worth the haul and being on our island we don't need to deal with long drives or ferry schedules for Brad's massage or Dr appts so I don't think it will be a problem. Very much looking forward to it as they have lovely views from their place and the weather is getting nicer now.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity just opened up for you.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Adventure.

    It's about time.

  2. Yes, but it will be great either way as we're just as happy to stay home which is what we think they should do... but ...


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