Tuesday 16 February 2021

The snowstorm and Valentines

We ended up with about 4 inches Friday through Saturday and they say another 3 inches on Sunday.

Entrance island with its usually red roofs are snow covered.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentines Day!

A Valentine's bouquet from Brad

I made him a chocolate bowl (it broke - a lot...)

With strawberries and chocolate hearts and lips.

I found (on TikTok again) a recipe for what they claimed would be phenomenal Artisan bread -- so, naturally I had to try it. And it was. Phenomenal.

Artisan bread Recipe:
6C Flour, 2 tsp Salt, 1 tsp Active Dry Yeast, 3.5C Warm Water. Mix dry ingredients then add the water.. Mix only enough to blend, no kneading, just mix until blended but still sticky. Cover and rest in a cold oven (yes, cold) 8-12 hours (overnight). Note: It will quadruple in size.  Pour onto floured counter, sprinkle flour on top. Shape to circle and no longer sticky. Divide in 2. Put in dish with parchment paper.  Put into cold oven, turn oven to 450F and bake 30 minutes covered then 30 min uncovered.

Because there were two halves, I put one in a stainless bowl with parchment in the oven at 450F and the other in a cast iron dutch oven on top of the woodstove. Turned out the woodstove was too hot (should have used a trivet) and that loaf burned a bit on the bottom, I promptly removed it and put it in the oven with the other half. It ran 15 min behind the other and was 'well done'... but still edible, soft, chewy, crispy and delicious...

After supper I am making another batch. I will bake it first thing so it is ready for breakfast as we are going to Nanaimo tomorrow for a Family Day delayed massage day.

Woodstove loaf - still not too shabby. Underside was much browner.

Oven loaf - given to Stacey -- unwillingly ;)

Birdies are still very much enjoying our bird feeder but I am eagerly awaiting the thaw so they can forage again as they are making a mess of the railing.

Surf & Turf
Steak & Cod cooked to perfection as always on the BBQ

We watched 'Misery' of all movies for Valentines... seemed fitting I suppose after 16 years together. LOL

1 week old Broccoli Microgreens

Remember the microgreens I planted last Tuesday that will be ready to harvest next Tuesday... they are doing fabulous so I moved them to the window. I'll put them on the table overnight though as that window might be cold overnight.



  1. That bread looks very tasty.
    Glad you didn't get too much snow.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your visit.

    It's about time.

    1. Bread is sooo good, crispy on outside and soft and chewy inside. Wonderous.

  2. Love the bread recipe and happy to hear you are going to start quilting.

  3. Great job making artisan bread. I have done it in the oven and was pleased with how it came out. Your microgreens look fabulous.

    1. Highly recommend that recipe Deb. Very tasty and if you keep it in a ziploc when cut it doesn't go stale!


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