Tuesday 19 November 2019

A changing relationship

Long time followers may recall that Monday is Massage Day, a much coveted time around here so off he went while I did a bit of tidy up around the rig, laundry and the like.

We went out for supper last night to Moby's Pub with our former campground's owners. Had a great time, its quite interesting to see our relationship and the way we interact with each other morph from business to becoming friends.

It was great to see them more relaxed yesterday, they had invited us over to their house last week or so for dinner and at that time they were dealing with a couple of stressors but last night he was positively giddy. Highly unusual.... but good fun. It was a great time, we had a lot of laughs and spent 2 hours enjoying their company.

As we were about to leave the restaurant we got a text from the new Managers asking us to dinner at Moby's for Thursday so stay tuned for that.

Brad brought home a couple of packs of Xmas cards a couple of days ago and I got right to them, yesterday they were mailed out. We have quite a few that have to get to England and as they have our newest address on them, getting them off early allows others time to send to us as well. After dinner we stopped by the campground to deliver a few there but only the new Managers were home so we'll have to go by and try again today.


  1. Lovely reading on all of your latest but. am confused. Did I miss something? Why are you no longer working t the campground?

    1. Yes, there was a situation which required us to give our notice through no fault of anyone mentioned above. We left the campground Nov 1st and now just retire all day, once again.


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