Friday 8 November 2019

Making it our own

Been a little busy sorting out this old wood storage cover thingy into a shed. It is actually finished now but for a bit of trim, I just didn't have time to take a picture last night.

We went for dinner with friends Steve & Jan last night so the shed didn't get finished, but it's close.  

After dinner I had to run off for Pickleball so S & J are coming by today so Jan can see the new place and we'll have a coffee and gaggle session.

When we went by the campground to invite S&J out to dinner, we stopped by the new Managers who Brad had already met and I introduced myself. Seem like a great couple and word is that I will be training her on the office stuff, the grounds work speaks for itself so no such training really required there.

We've been in this spot now for a week today and it's working out great. With the shed complete and our minds/bodies unwound from the high alertness of campground management, we shall soon be off on wondrous adventures around the island again.

My oldest son is moving to Haida Gwaii in December apparently, so we shall definitely be surprising him with a visit eventually -- shhhh.... 


  1. Long-time U.S. lurker here , drawn out by "Haida Gwaii" which sounds like it should be off the coast of Tanzania or somewhere.

    1. Well hello Barbara the U.S. lurker, nice to hear from you.

      Haida Gwaii is an island north of Vancouver Island off the coast of B.C. (British Columbia) Formerly named The Queen Charlotte Islands, the name was changed to Haida Gwaii several years ago in respect of the native indians who called it home before we stole it many moons ago.

  2. Your shed is looking great. What are you going to use it for? Laundry?

    1. No, the laundry shed was built by the owner before we moved here. We just want somewhere to store some dreaded accumulation... mostly a Xmas tree that I bought for $10. In summer it could be used as a guest room in a pinch - just put a cot in there.


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