Saturday 7 December 2019

Wild Friday night on Salt Spring

 Firstly, its been raining for about 18 hours....

The presents under the tree are definitely wet

But my decorations are not running!
You may recall that I painted them with washable kids paint and because we live in the amazon (not literally) I coated them with Mod Podge to protect them from all the rain. It worked - so far.

Last night Brad and I went to see Fantastic Fungi (please pronounce with a G not a g - some things are really annoying)... I remember a couple of years back. some American friends (they still read the blog - they tell me) wondering how accepting Canada is. Well, up here in Canuck country - and especially on Salt Spring Island - the trees, plants and mushrooms are people too. Everything/everyone is accepted here.

This was actually a pretty good movie and no its not about mushroom people but about how mushrooms are the earth's medicine. That fauna communicate via a root system that interconnects much like the 'internet'..."as above, so below" comes to mind. The links below will take you to news reports from 'Main Stream Media'  for any argumentative types....

Apparently mushrooms (the magic kind, actually) have been scientifically proven to aid in depression, PTSD, and other such neurological issues (in limited - ie 2-3 doses).

Turkey mushrooms are proving to eliminate cancers, etc.

There are many health benefits of mushrooms, available in our back yard since we live in such a wet environment, especially this time of year.

Anyway, not a movie that is likely to be a big hit in LA for example but here on Salt Spring - it brings in a crowd. The theatre was about 85% full last night and this is the 2nd run of this movie here, it was played for about a week a couple of weeks ago but due to popular demand...... for another 4 nights.

Only on Salt Spring


  1. You guys must like having the time to get "out and about" now that your are not "work camping". Merry Christmas early.

    1. Yes its nice not to be tied down but now its all about finding stuff to keep us busy. Merry HoHo to you guys, too.


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