Friday 4 September 2020

Update on the house situation

(Google house, not ours)

 If you don't know what I'm talking about, my original post from August 2018 is here: Original House Explanation

For long time readers who are familiar with this particular gong show, read on.


So essentially we found out upon the sale of our property that we never had clear title, subsequently we discovered that the bank knew and deliberately covered it up. The same surveyor we had used 3 times in 8 years suddenly decided that those 3 previous surveys which he personally did - were wrong and a good part of our home was now suddenly sitting in the Atlantic.


In early August we filed a lawsuit about this mess in the appropriate provincial court, the paperwork for which then had to cross from Hell to us via Canada Post and we then forwarded it to a local server in the local area of the province via Canada Post. On August 12 all 10 parties were served.

Yesterday (Wed, Sept 2/20) we received an email from the bank advising that our house had been sold -for $100K less than the deal we had in 2018 but lost due to this gong show. They were kind enough to forward all the purchase/sale documents which I assume is required as it is our house after all.

Guess what?! 

Those documents show that the purchaser was given the 2010 survey (guess the bank forgot they had one from 2015 and then the final blow survey of 2018 which shows the property is problematic, which is why they had it for sale in the first place!!! They advised the purchasers that there 'may' be a problem with the land issue but that the bank has applied for a grant to correct the problem. 

Except that you can only receive grants to build a dock into Federal waterways, they will not under any circumstance grant the building of a home into the Atlantic ocean. OOPS.

I swear to God, I do not make this up. This is our life.... 

So the bank, having given us a mortgage under fraudulent conveyance, has now gone and done it again to the new purchaser -- and given us the paperwork to prove it. ROFLMFAO!!! 


I must have been a really bad person in my last life...


  1. This is so stunning it could be taught in law schools contract law classes.

    1. Its incredible, and literally unbelievable. Its happening to us and I still can't believe it.

    2. That's a lot on your mind all the time. What a mess! Good luck!

  2. All I can say is WOW. Hopefully this means you get your money finally though. :)

    1. You have to sue and go through the court process. Even though it is obvious the banks and others will not settle unless and until you prove your case in court. At least that is our experience so we'll see what happens. Sure would be nice if someone stepped up and sorted it for us but I'm not holding my breath.

  3. In the final suit lets hope you not only recover your investment but monies to cover the stress you have gone through.

    It's about time.

    1. Oh we have every intention... including our very good credit score which has also been effected.

  4. Holy moly what a sh@#$%show! Let me know if you want the name of someone in the media. I'm sure the bank would NOT want it in the media that their solution to a fraudulent situation they were complicit in is to repeat it. Unbelieveable!

    1. Thanks Judi, we'll keep you in mind but its in the courts right now. Failing that, we'll talk.


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