Wednesday 17 May 2023

Evacuated in Alberta

Stacey left Saturday and we worked the weekend at a Casino for one of the town clubs we belong to, that was enlightening and incredibly boring. The club does the casino every 3 or 4 years as a good revenue maker which helps float the clubs activities for a few years. Next time, we will take plenty of 'things' to do to help pass the time.

1. Our raised beds have been painted to blend into the fence. 
2. My potatoes are in the green bags.
3. My backyard herb garden has been built and filled with compost but didn't have time to get a pic.

This morning the air was thick with smoke and getting thicker by the hour. I let Brad sleep in and eventually went to wake him once it got damn thick, so he could be awake before any evacuation order - should there be one...

So I then sat down to write a post about being put under evacuation watch (last night). I hadn't finished writing it yet when the alarm went off... time to bug out!!

In the kerfuffle of loading the truck, my computer was shut off and I lost the post... 

We are now put up in a hotel, an hour from our home. There is a dinner tonight for all the displaced, of course there are more than just our town here as fires are everywhere... 

My lost post talked about being packed with clothes, papers and medicines as well as all of the dog stuff. I didn't think for a minute that we would actually be evacuated but as the smoke was ever increasing, I got us ready, just in case... and not a moment too soon.

A friend called to say the town was calling around notifying people of the evacuation order and so we quickly finished packing and were loading the truck when we got the call ourselves. 

All of my veg/herb/plant starts are still sitting in the house, waiting to be planted. Too smokey today to work outside, so.... at least I watered and fed them this early this am. Maybe......

No idea how long this is going to be. I know Drayton Valley was evac'd a couple of weeks ago and are still on evac. My plants won't live that long...

Also worth noting, we may have a house sitting gig for the winter. Nothing definitive as yet but we are in talks.

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