Sunday 9 February 2020

Home again

On our last night of housesitting and looking after Teddy we decided to go for Vietnamese. Long time readers will likely know that Vietnamese is our favourite and we are always trying local restaurants wherever we go. Our favourite remains our old haunt back in our Saskatoon days some 15 years ago (restaurant sold to new owners and just isn't the same anymore).

A few selections, we enjoyed the lemongrass beef dish the best although it was all palatable (not always the case)

I have heard from Dad & Ann, they are off the cruise ship and touring around in the Florida Cays before heading home to Windsor mid week.

Our first experience with was a good one. Although we failed to inquire when exactly they would be returning, only knew that it was on the 8th (today), what none of us considered was that their flight arrived very late and we had plans to be home by supper out with friends on Salt Spring... so arrangements were made with the owners family that they would pick up Teddy for the evening so we could head home on schedule. 

Note to self: confirm the return date/time.... had we known we would be needed until the 9th, we would have made arrangements as per but as it was, expecting to be home today we made other plans... turned out okay though, I believe. 

Little Teddy sure is a delight. What a good doggie, he loved to cuddle with me specifically which Robbie was none too keen about but suffered the atrocity in disgusted silence time and again... poor little guy. We sure are going to miss little Teddy, just soo cute. It was a great place to be with some great sites to see but with all the bloody rain we just were not able to get out much and experience it particularly. 

We did get to Denman Island, but every other day we were there we'd wait until the rain stopped long enough to take the dogs for their daily walk and then the rain would start again... and not just a bit of rain - torrential downpours,    all   day   long  !! Which is why we wanted to do the sit in the first place, as an opportunity to get out from under the tick tick tick on the roof.

Funny enough today the sun came out and it is 'supposed' to be sunny for the next 5 days or more. Go figure.


  1. Timing is everything. Whether it's arrival times or the Rain.
    Glad you had a good experience.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Ticking on the roof.

    It's about time.

    1. Tick Tick Tick Ha Ha. Its alright for some -- since you have a proper roof these days... ha ha ha. Rub it in... lol

  2. Sounds like it was a good experience for you both. Too bad about the weather though.

    1. Yes but at least it was quieter and now we have a couple of days without rain at our own home before it starts again... they had shown 5 days yesterday but this am its already down to 2 days without rain... going walkabout for sure. I've sure packed on the pounds this winter!!


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