Sunday, 28 April 2019

The season begins

I arrived home a week ago, there has been so much going on that I just didn't have time to write anything. Brad did a super duper fantastic job keeping everything going in my absence.

What I didn't mention before is that while I was away Brad also went away just a few days after I left for a meeting which has been on the books for a bloody long time... so big thanks and kudos to Sandy (owner) for her super duper efforts for 4 days while we were both gone even though she was working full time too.

April long weekend we were half full, mostly trailers not so many tenters that time of year. The phone goes all day with bookings so its pretty busy. We have had a few fantastic reviews these past few weeks on Google and Tripadvisor, which is fantastic.

The newest member of our family is a BBQ, yup we finally did it - we bought a good'un too. Had a couple of steaks last night to christen it. Delish! I will be going through the recipes at  Our Awesome Travels and cooking up a storm.

We've been busy since I returned. I had to go through all the bookings to ensure all was well. We have been doing some last minute maintenance things around the grounds and I used my Daddy's weed concoction to kill all the greenery creeping into the parking lot, I will be doing the rest of the campground as/when I can get to it.

The new ice freezer was delivered in my absence which is kept on the front porch of the office. I had placed my order for store items but had to cancel it when my trip came up so that needs to be placed and then picked up from Victoria in the next couple of days.

I have ordered and received the new Square tap gadget for the campground store and it works great. I had originally ordered the little swipe thingy that you plug into your phone but the bloody thing never seemed to work and most people prefer tap anyway and chip is also an option with this particular gadget.

Time to open the showers so I have to run.

Thanks for your patience while I was away.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Windsor, Ontario

I am in Windsor, Ontario this week.

My Stepmother passed suddenly Friday am. Although she had been ill for quite some time, it happened very quickly and as everyone can appreciate we are all in shock - my Father is especially devastated.

I flew out on Saturday after training Brad to run the office at the campground, fortunately he catches on quickly. Arriving early Sunday morning, my Dad picked me up from the airport and I will be here until likely this Sunday, although my ticket is changeable should that be needed.

All arrangements were made by my Stepmother prior to her passing which I guess is making things easier in that regard for my Father.

I do not expect to post again until I have returned home.

Friday, 5 April 2019

RV officially lives here too

We finally managed to get our RV plated and insured for BC. Considering the 3 western provinces are supposed to be easy to move between, we sure had a lot of rigmarole to work through, but it is done now.

The rain came and washed all the dirt off of our new gravel on our site and now it feels like our yard is a pebble beach - awesome!

We finished all the grounds work a few days ago (April 1st) and have been busy doing little odds and ends. We had ordered some clips for each site post but they were too small so sent them back and the new, proper sized ones, have since been attached to all of the posts and we are ready for the rush to begin.

I am still taking several bookings each day and we have a few straddlers camping already but the onslaught starts mid April.

Once all the posts have been put in place (we are replacing several of them), then we will be able to put more effort into the Sunroom.

I have great plans for the sunroom but we'll see what we actually achieve... since we don't want to be running power tools while campers are on site, we will need to get at this space quickly.

As to the room name: Bill, I believe it was, came up with Sunroom and frankly it is much easier/quicker than Sitting Room, so that is the one I am going with. This in no way means that I don't absolutely love the person who came up with Sitting Room - I do (Deb) but easy is easy so there you have it.
