Saturday, 26 October 2019

Bday update

I had a great Birthday, thank you everyone for the messages...

A box of chocolate

am Coffee and pm wine slippers and scarf from my Mother-in-Law, thanks Meg.

New top for dressing up events

Sexy slippers to cover my sexy toes and keep them warm

Its not quite legible in this iPhone pic but this is a 1Kg bar of chocolate...

about 2 inches thick...

Last night we went to see Ad Astra, waited ages for this movie to come and we were there a half hour before the doors opened to ensure we could get tickets. It took awhile but the theatre mostly filled in before the 7pm start. Movie sucked. Thats the short version. We were really looking forward to it but it just wasn't up to snuff in the end. Too bad, but the popcorn never disappoints. :D

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Other side of the hill

My Daddy and I circa 1968

My Daddy and I circa 2019
I'm forefront left and Dad is at the end on the right.

So its official, I've spent the last year on top of the hill and tomorrow (Wednesday) the descent begins...

I've always planned on living to 106, so I'm still not half way -- another 55 years to go, but still... the proverbial hill has been crested.

As you likely know by now, we are finished this workamping gig Nov 1 and we have a new adventure on the horizon. Honestly, we've been through so much this last decade or so, that I think I'd like a little time to just be- and I'm looking forward to that.

I could get a 'job', or volunteer or ... but not yet, I don't know what I want to do with my time but for a short while I'm just going to learn our little island and experience the wonders of Pickleball 4 times a week!

I have an idea for a 'market' type business, but I'm in no rush.

Every year, Brad wants to drag me - kicking and screaming- out to dinner (spoiled Princess, I know) and every year I say no, but this time I'm looking forward to it. Moby's has the best dry ribs, second only to Saskatoon's 'Cheesetoast', circa 1986 and we all know how long ago that was. Last time we went to Moby's (about 2 days ago) they were out of the ribs. Tomorrow is my birthday, so they damn sure better have some in!!! I might even have an alcoholic beverage -- IF I remember, LOL

But hey, I'm still cute, right?!

Friday, 11 October 2019

Amongst the trees

We went by the other day and got some pictures of our new spot. It is smaller than we're used to but certainly bigger than some and we're excited to put our touch on it. Spoke to the new landlord this morning and he has been busy getting some last minute details ready for us.

My Dad called yesterday to say that he is coming for Xmas, woohoo! He has booked in at a local resort in the area of our new site as he likes to have his own space.

Not even mid October yet and already planning for Xmas... yikes, but exciting.

Friday, 4 October 2019

New Chapter

Things have changed -- shocking, I know.... Us change things up? Right!?!....

We are moving in to a new chapter. This change is completely unexpected but life is like that (ours anyway).

The good news is, we will have more to write about. Its been hard to maintain a blog when all your doing is working and you can't write about work.

Work ends Nov 1st and blog writing can commence once again.

Yes, we are staying on Salt Spring - at least for now.