I had a call with our Dr several days ago now and my numbers had gone slightly askew.
FT4 s/b 7-15 was at 23
TSH s/b 2-5 was at 0.01
So he has adjusted my Synthroid from 125mg down to 112mg.... doesn't seem like much to me, but he's the Dr...
There has been a lot of canning going on around here, tomatoes coming out of our yingyang... Bell peppers are coming in now and tomorrow I will likely process about 6 butternut squash.
We have also been very busy getting organized for our newest family member (its an appliance - don't get weird on me) which should be (s/b) arriving Friday/Saturday this week.
However, people give names to these appliances (I just work here) .... so I'm open to suggestions from you -- my peeps.
I'm thinking Betty (for Betty Boop)...
If someone comes up with a better one, I'm open. Seems everyone gives them girl names -- perhaps I should 'go rogue'? Hmmm...
It is Brad's birthday Tuesday 29th, his Mum sent prezzies and almost always includes a treat for Robbie (dog)... I made a video of Robbie getting excited when he smelled Grandma's house on the package but its too big to upload without YouTube. Trust me, its cute.
Interesting side note here: I just drag and dropped those pic above... hmmm, didn't know that was an option. I do know several bloggers who have trouble uploading pics so maybe that will help them. Specifically - Al. ;)