Monday, 22 August 2022

Rainbows in the garden

This year I chose to add rainbow carrots to our list of garden seeds. The result?

Ginormous carrots in a variety of colours.

They are just huge, compared to our regular orange carrots, 
(there are orange in the rainbow pack also, as above)
with less compacted soil, I can't wait to see how big next years rainbow carrots get.

Inside of a purple carrot

White carrot

It is crazy busy around here with everything that is going on but the garden is growing amazingly well, especially considering the soil. The ground is still very hard and compacted even though we had it tilled and added manure to it in the fall.

Corn ears are growing in nicely

Tomatoes and Peppers are still ripening


Tuesday, 9 August 2022

First harvest and Saskatoon again

Knowing we were heading to Saskatoon to see the family for the weekend, we pulled a few things out of the garden. Kale, Romaine, Zucchini, Carrot and a Green Pepper.

Holy huge

Went to The Berry Barn for brunch

with my Mother

Took the Grandkids to the movies to see SuperPets - a pretty good show, for what it is.

Brad's Mum stylin' some shades

A rare photo of the two of us.

Came across this and thought I'd share for anyone who was interested.


Monday, 8 August 2022

Storm corn

We had a mother of a storm go through here and it dropped most all of our corn plants to the ground.

A quick Google tells us that they will recover in a few days so we quickly set about putting them right with some rope and zip ties. We will remove the zip ties in a few days and we hope the recovery will be smooth.


Thursday, 4 August 2022

Garlic Harvest


400 garlic plants

Well it's that time once again. Bringing in the garlic and hanging it to dry for a few weeks before processing it.

This year I plan to make honey garlic, fermented garlic, freeze dried garlic and of course just eating it fresh.

It's been very busy around here as you might imagine. I am constantly harvesting something whether its herbs, flowers or greens for freeze drying.

Tomatoes are starting to appear.... we have about I'd guess 70 tomatoe plants this year so making sauces as well as fermenting and freeze drying them is going to keep things crazy around here for a few weeks and that will be starting very soon.