Thursday, 5 January 2017

Holding Pattern

So we have a lot going on at the moment and wont be able to really begin blogging for a few days. We appreciate all the followers very much and look forward to figuring out what we do from here.

There are so many places we'd love to see. Italy, Spain, Greece to name a few. And then there are my newly discovered Lazy Daze 30IB which I have fallen in love with. 

We are so fortunate to be in a position of having options and we are extremely grateful for same.

Shortly I will begin my nagging (not that I ever would :D ) and the decision process will begin. After decision comes planning and research (not necessarily in that order) and before you know it we will be doing something exciting. 

Thanks for following along, we hope to be able to share the good, bad and ugly decisions as well as products and places with you in hopes of helping someone else in future to not waste time on stupid mistakes.

A huge thank you to all the 'fellow bloggers' who we have been following and learning from. We appreciate your good/bad/ugly AND that you were brave enough to share them for us to follow (or not).

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