Saturday, 24 February 2018

Fun times at The Ranch

I went to Pickleball yesterday morning. There were only 4 people there (already playing) and I didn't know any of them. The good news in that is that there are another 4 people playing, the bad news is I think 2 of them are Debbie and her husband.... why is that a bad thing, you ask? Well, let me tell you about it....

Ever since I started playing here I've heard about this Debbie and her husband... sorry, I don't know his name. If I remember correctly they started the PickleBall here or manage it somehow. Of course this is all great news but ..... they have a swear jar! A swear jar!!

I had been hoping to be on our way home before this infamous couple arrived. I cannot afford to play around them. Did I mention I used to be a truck driver - yup, little old me and I have the required tongue for that job. Lord help me! This is going to be an expensive endeavor.

The swear jar funds are used to purchase new equipment at the Ranch ( the Ranch is what we call this resort as its name is Rancho California RV Resort. While I am happy to add to the coffers I know that every time I miss that damn ball either the F-bomb or some brown gooey stuff rolls off my tongue.

To add insult to injury, I have to willingly get up in the mornings, get beautified and rush over to get there on time to pay my money into the swear jar! Aaargh. I guess it's an opportunity to learn how to hold my tongue (my daddy will be happy), but ... I know myself.... I will make the effort though.

Last night was the very first Movie Night here at the Ranch. They played GeoStorm and about 30 people showed up. It was a great night, everyone brought their own drink, snack and chair. They plan to have a movie night every Friday - Nice. No driving anywhere, and it's free!! Part of our HOA fee ($420/month). Gotta love it.

Well it's almost 8:30 so I have to start my beautification process so I can rush over to the swear jar! Thanks for coming along.

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