Monday, 2 July 2018

Its been busy

It's been crazy busy around here lately.

My youngest Granddaughter had her 5th Birthday party, Unicorns were the theme.

Birthday Girl and her Unicorn

Oldest Granddaughter

Only Grandson - no pressure kids.

Blowup waterslide was a massive hit!

After the party we flew back into the city to meet up with our friends who drove all the way from Ottawa to spend quality bonding time with us ;) Okay maybe not but they came for a visit anyway. We met up for supper and came back to the house afterwards for coffee and a chin wag.

Linda & Larry are co-founding members of the NEC with us
(don't ask cause I can't tell you - yet)

We were having so much fun, laughing and telling funny stories that we managed to convince them to stay another night so we could do it again the next day.

After a drive along Saskatoon's riverbank we went out to The Berry Barn for lunch

Giraffe made of tin circles - cool.

The Berry Barn is on the river

Loved this.

On the way back into the city we dropped in at the Farmer's Market downtown but it wasn't actually a market day it turned out. Then we showed them some of the fancy shmancy houses along the rivers edge before coming back to this house for more chin wagging and a piece of campfire cake.

We talked and laughed until well past supper, so we went out for a good old gut-bashing at one of our favourite haunts.

We had a fantastic couple of days with some great friends and then reluctantly sent them on their way so they could rest up to continue their journey West. We hope they had a good time and continue to have a great trip, we look forward to seeing them again on the return leg.

As you know, they tell us our house is sold (again, don't ask it's complicated) but for a multitude of reasons I won't go into here, we've decided to wait until August to go and get our stuff out of it. Originally, we had intended to go in July but due to said complications we're gonna wait. 

So, we needed somewhere to park the RV and that is what we did today. We drove to a few places we thought would be a good fit for us and have chosen one which we will move into on Wednesday once we pick up the rig from storage.

I know I need to do better at writing posts, and I will - it's just been so crazy around here with so many problems going on that I haven't even thought to take any pictures until this weekend. But suffice to say that we will be back in our RV on Wednesday and we sure have missed it, while it has been great getting to stay in a house again... it's just been too long since we were 'home'.


  1. That blow up waterslide looks like so much fun!!

    Our Grandkids are 4, 6, and 8

    Sure hope everything goes well with the sale of your home. It will be such a relief once everything is finalized.

    Take care ... TnT

    1. I got your message!!! Apparently Blogger has been having a comment notification issue since May 21, I just attempted to fix it (after realizing it's not just me) and it works. I got an email that you commented... I'm soooo excited! LOL

      Thanks for the good wishes, sure everything will work out in the end.


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