Sunday, 10 May 2020

Spam comments corrected

Huge apologies to everyone for the comment attack yesterday on the blog.

Comments were coming in from a spammer on every blog post I've written, from a couple of 'people'... Clearly some people are rebounding from the Covid crisis.

I have now adjusted the settings so that any comments on posts older than 7 days requires moderating AND commenters have to acknowledge that you are not a robot through word verification.

I apologize for the deluge of emails commenters received.

I do believe the issue should be resolved now.

I apologize for the inconvenience of having to complete word verification in order to comment and I sincerely hope it will not prevent you from commenting in future.

1 comment:

  1. We've all had those problems in the past and had to make adjustments.
    If your comment numbers drop you might reconsider the Word Verification. After a while they start using pictures that can get tricky.
    Be Safe and Enjoy a Happy Mothers Day.

    It's about time.


Some readers are reporting issues with posting comments. Please post Anonymously if necessary as we really enjoy getting each and every one. - Katie