Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The Secrets of Living (Pilot Episode 2020)

A locally made video about our island and the community we have here, even through Covid-19.

This video is edited by someone we know, who has been mentioned many times on this blog: 

We have been following Simon's journey for 5 or 6 years now and never imagined back then that we would be on the same island one day, especially since we were on the far east coast at that time. Yet here we are.

Views of this video aid in the promotion of healthy, sustainable community living -- as well as helping Simon fund the mast he requires for the Catamaran he is rebuilding from scratch. Please watch and/or share to help in this effort. 

I hope you enjoy the short video about our beautiful island.

Thank you.


Some readers are reporting issues with posting comments. Please post Anonymously if necessary as we really enjoy getting each and every one. - Katie