Sunday, 4 April 2021

Trellis and start moving day

We put in T-bar with wire fencing for the climbers to grow up. So the tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, peas and cucumbers can grow up instead of sprawling all over the ground taking up valuable real estate in our garden.

T-bar and wire fencing
These 2 rows are for peppers and tomatoes with peas running alongside the garlic bed

Zucchini and cucumbers will be down in the left corner section

Moved the starts into the starts warming box for the first night in their new place. 

It was 21C when I closed them in and I'd hoped the heat would stay without turning on the lamp... this morning it is 6C in there... I only put cold weather plants in there yesterday, keeping tomatoes and peppers, etc in the house so I'm hoping they will be fine... 


  1. Oh happy day. It will be glorious! The nice thing is if something fails you still have time to start over. I'm about a month behind you in MI. My tomato starts are going to be monsters. I started them too early.

    1. My tomatoes are about 3" at the moment and I have 4 varieties 1 of which is heirloom as we plan to learn how to save seeds this year too... peas, lettuce, tomatoes and corn so far are heirloom varieties. I don't have grow lights so they are struggling for sure... next year -- grow lights! Soon they will get out to the greenhouse I hope.

  2. Glad you are moving along with the garden/
    Recently saw someone claiming they used their Instant Pot to quick start old seeds. I couldn't reach the sight.
    Looking forward to your temperatures.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Interesting, I'll check into that thanks.

  3. You must spend hours on the internet in "Katie's Gardening and Vegetable School". lol Way to go, you must be very proud of yourself as you should be.

    1. Well with both winter AND lockdown... I did spend a lot of time researching.


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