Friday, 27 August 2021

Drought continues

Our area of BC went without rain for 55 days through June/July and then received 4mm (about 20% of an inch), since then we've had no other rain to speak of. Yesterday we did receive 0.6mm (0.02"), everything here is brown. 

The temperatures have cooled down to the low-mid 20C range (72F) but everything is struggling to stay alive on minimal watering, and the watering hole used for the orchard is almost empty.

Clouds have begun to move in which shows promise for the wet weather to come but the weather people have no precipitation in the forecast. Today I saw a news article describing 2020 as the driest on record but I think 2021 may well take that title before its over.

Thankfully, we secured a second water source for our garden but I feel for people who didn't have that option. We have been able to fill our landlords garden water buckets so he didn't have to dip into his orchard supply for his corn and squash that he plants in the orchard garden. Its been a difficult year for gardening, to be sure. 

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