Sunday, 10 October 2021

Rogue Acres Intro

Thank you to everyone who left condolences on the passing of my father. It's been a very difficult time the last few weeks. I appreciate your patience while I mourned the loss, not that I'm not still mourning but it is getting easier - though I still cry a bit each day.

We left the log house for our new acreage Sept. 27th. After a very long fist day of travel we got a room in Kelowna and finished the trip the following day.

Truck load of empty cardboard once everything was unpacked
When we arrived, Dad (or at least his ashes) had arrived ahead of us that day. That made for a nice welcoming, for sure.
Robbie waiting patiently while I unpack the kitchen
A brief sample of the gorgeous fall colours that surrounded us upon arrival. The majority of leaves have since fallen.
Back of house, Brad and Robbie playing their psycho game of tag.
Good size yard to run around in.
Yeah, so as you might imagine -- something always gets broken when you move. This time, it was the television. So we went out and replaced the 42" with a 50".  Actually has a really good picture (RCA).
I found a supplier for our laying hens, which arrive Oct 23rd (incidentally, my bday). I have ordered 15 brown laying hens, so we commenced preparing the coop. The coop was in quite a state, we had to clear it out, repair the leaking roof and sort out some roosts as there were none.
Laying hens coop - Before
Operational Supervisor in charge.
We went to a local farm supply and picked up a few chicken coop gadgets.
Brooder coop -- after
(for raising meat chickens)
Woodpecker just at the top right of the shadow across the tree. There was one on the left also, but I don't think I caught it in the pic.
Chicken coop roof  --before
Chicken coop roof -- after
Chicken coop - after
Roosts are in.
Squirrel in front of the pump house on upper right of tree.
Left: Dehydrated blueberries        Right: Freeze Dried Blueberries
In case you were confused :D

I've been looking everywhere, in person and online to find a decent display to put Dad's urn in and today we picked this curio cabinet up. Fits perfectly in that corner and has a light too. Still have to unpack some items for the lower shelves.
Very happy with this curio cabinet.
The statuette below was Dad's also. A reminder of his parents who bet on the races regularly.

We are also planning to raise rabbits but Brad has never tried rabbit before so I took to FaceBook and found a local supplier of a sample meal. I've had rabbit before many years ago and I recall that it tastes like chicken and that is what everyone is telling us also. 

I had planned for us to have it for supper tonight (Saturday) but time got away from us. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so it will be a few days before we get to sample the rabbit after all.


  1. So did you buy this property? What zone are you way up there? Did Betty make the trip too? Have you seen the Northern lights yet?

    1. No, we’re still sorting the house issue and therefore are unable to get a mortgage until it’s finished- if it ever gets finished… Hardiness zone here is 4a. Betty is here, in her own room again. There are most always northern lights up here… maybe I’ll manage to get a pic one day.

  2. Glad you made the trip safe and sound. Sounds like just the place for you.

    1. Loving it so far, very friendly community.


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