Thursday Dec 23rd
Having 1.5 Gallons of raw milk in the fridge, I decided to skim the cream off the top and make butter...
Churning cream to butter
Finished butter (spoon for scale)
I pulled out a load from Betty.
1 tray of 18 farm eggs, 1 tray of lemon peel, 2 trays with 1 Liter of raw milk on each.
Egg load
I also had over 60 eggs on standby and so I prepped 3 trays (18 eggs per tray) and 1 tray of crushed egg shells which I feed back to the chickens to return the calcium to them. This load will go in first thing in the morning.
While I was waiting for the butter to finish, I figured I'd start a quick loaf of bread.
Voila, soft, chewy and delicious
My ever faithful assistant was at the ready to clean up any mess
Brad found a great deal on chicken breast and turkeys at Superstore yesterday. I threw the chicken in a crockpot with chicken broth, garlic, salt & pepper and put them in the oven for an hour and 15 min.
First load of 7 chicken breasts
Added a second load of 8 chicken breasts for a total of 15
I then split the breasts to thin them slightly (with Brad's help) and put them on 3 trays to feed to Betty along with 1 tray of the chicken broth I cooked it all in (waste not want not).
I had time to kill while waiting on the second batch of chicken breast so I made some Lemon & Lavender body lotion.
To be perfectly clear, this is not a normal day around here. It was a day when I had no need to leave the house and so I was able to get some stuff done.
Tomorrow -- ordinary laundry day....
But Saturday...
Merry Christmas one and all!!
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