Thursday, 28 July 2022

Garden update

 Oh how our garden grows...

Still loving the professional weed fabric

Kidney Beans


Corn is about 6 ft tall now

Carrots are 2 ft tall. We planted regular and rainbow carrots this year

Garlic has all been pulled now and is hung to dry

My herbs and spices as well as a bunch of flowers (mostly in the front)

The rabbits were sent to freezer camp and I found a home for the breeding set and all their cages and accessories went with them. The tractors were sold to another person. I loved having rabbits and we may do it again later but right now we are (uncharacteristically, hahahaha) changing things up and do not want to be tied down to livestock.

Homes were found for the chickens several weeks ago and so we now only have the garden to tend to.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Quick trip to Saskatoon

In early June, Brad's uncle passed away. As soon as we heard, we packed up and shipped out to Saskatoon to spend a few days with Brad's Mum. 

Fred was 93.

Brad with Uncle Fred

Of course, while in Saskatoon we have to see the rest of the family too. We borrowed the grandkids and took them to the Children's festival down at Kinsmen park that weekend. They had never been in a convertible before and they thought that was the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately, our oldest granddaughter wasn't able to join us due to previous commitments. 

Afterwards, we all went for ice cream. According to their mother, they had a fabulous time and kept talking about it incessantly. 

It was a short visit, just 3-4 days but it was so nice to see everyone again. We were also able to re-stain Brad's Mum's front and back decks while we were there so she has a nice spot once again to entertain as she loves to do.