Saturday, 2 July 2022

Quick trip to Saskatoon

In early June, Brad's uncle passed away. As soon as we heard, we packed up and shipped out to Saskatoon to spend a few days with Brad's Mum. 

Fred was 93.

Brad with Uncle Fred

Of course, while in Saskatoon we have to see the rest of the family too. We borrowed the grandkids and took them to the Children's festival down at Kinsmen park that weekend. They had never been in a convertible before and they thought that was the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately, our oldest granddaughter wasn't able to join us due to previous commitments. 

Afterwards, we all went for ice cream. According to their mother, they had a fabulous time and kept talking about it incessantly. 

It was a short visit, just 3-4 days but it was so nice to see everyone again. We were also able to re-stain Brad's Mum's front and back decks while we were there so she has a nice spot once again to entertain as she loves to do.


  1. Condolences to you both, hope brad's mom is doing alright. I bet she appreciated the staining of the deck, such a nice gesture on your part.
    Looks like a fun time with the grandkids, was had by all.
    How's your garden doing? Are you dehydrating still? You larder must be full.
    How is your health Kate?
    Where are you guys located in Alberta?
    Take care, Melynda.

  2. Thank you Melynda. I will be doing a post about the garden, I just need to get some pictures of it but it is doing really well. Our machine is not a dehydrater it is a freeze dryer but same idea just a different process and yes we are still freeze drying so its been very busy around the here with everything coming out of the garden. My health is good, the Stinging Nettle tea is a must, I definitely notice a difference when I don't take it.... I shall write about my recent experience with that shortly.


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