Saturday, 22 April 2023

Grow-op and family pics

Priceless sign at a local dress shop

Changed up my Reiki room, removed most of the growing shelves and left just the 2 shelf for a few plants that are still gestating (ie Katie for sprouting)..

Have upgraded many plants to the bay window...

... in the livingroom

I attempted to get a nice picture of Robbie as we had a frame which needed to be hung and I thought I'd put him in the main hallway with the other kids and grandkids.... 

He did not want to cooperate!... He's 13.5 yrs old and long since over fancy posing for Mum.

In the end, I chose to go with this one from... oh, about a decade ago!

These two are my favourite sons circa 1992. They've added a few pounds since then... you can call them Good and Gooder, your guess as to who is who LOL

*Frames by Paula

My Mother-in-law is the only family member who reads my blog and I forgot to mention that I had cancelled the website and returned the blog to Blogger once again. I nagged that if she read it more often.... which is not fair given that I've hardly written anything of late. Sorry Meg, my bad... Now save this page to favourites.

A friend here in town is well connected and managed to get us all the wood we need for our raised garden beds ( 6 of them 2'x8'x20") for half price, so it was only $470! Happy with that. First chance we will get them put together and there is a Home Hardware close by that sells huge totes of dirt/compost/topsoil, etc that we will get to fill them, as well as logs and sticks from the woods for filler.

PS Hi Jody, Thanks for being here :D 

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Right then, carrying on...

This is a plan of our backyard, each square is a square foot....
We will be building the raised garden beds along the left side this year, we will see how we make out with those this year and if needed we can add the extra boxes which run along the back fence next year. Wood is hella expensive this year so... yep, we'll see how it goes.

Having now received my Master Reiki Practitioner Certificate, I have set up what would -and may still be, my Craft and Sprout room with my reiki bed too.

The sprouts will be taken out of there in a couple of weeks, our last frost date is mid May in these parts. 

A photo I found from my latest trip to Saskatoon, dinner out with family and friends. Girls night out.

Warm welcome to my one and only reader now that my blog has returned to Blogger... we begin again.

**  Today I discovered that my cell phone was saving pictures as HEIF/HEIP files instead of jpeg. This is causing problems with uploading to blogger. I have now corrected the problem on my phone and pictures will now be saved as jpeg as they have historically always been. No clue how this happened, an update somewhere along the way, no doubt.

We have a special guest coming to visit in a few weeks, so watch for that.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

This is me, is that you?

As suspected my blog is still available just at a different location.

If you have found this, please please leave a message so I know that someone is reading.


Respond Anonymous if you like....


Thursday, 6 April 2023

Am I still here?

Well today is the day. I have received emails saying my domain did not renew....

This will likely (hopefully) post on... 

... if I remember correctly.

Note: There may be a delay also on Squarespace to allow for people forgetting, etc. before closing the account. 

I have no idea what will happen here but the link above should be good if and when it shuts down domain website.


Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Signing off? Just in case...

As I said in previous posts, I extended something something (maybe Blogger) to do with the blog but now the website provider also wants renewing and I am not going to renew.

I am fairly sure the website thing is solely the .com part and not the Blogger part itself and my blog will continue. 

If this turns out not to be the case, I just want to thank everyone for reading my blog all these years... wow 6 years!!!  (since January 2017) I have enjoyed all of your comments (except the spam, of course).

The blog MAY shut down this coming Thursday, April 6. If not, I shall post again on April 7th as we have a lot going on this year to talk about...

Here's hoping!

With Love, Light and Gratitude,
