Saturday, 22 April 2023

Grow-op and family pics

Priceless sign at a local dress shop

Changed up my Reiki room, removed most of the growing shelves and left just the 2 shelf for a few plants that are still gestating (ie Katie for sprouting)..

Have upgraded many plants to the bay window...

... in the livingroom

I attempted to get a nice picture of Robbie as we had a frame which needed to be hung and I thought I'd put him in the main hallway with the other kids and grandkids.... 

He did not want to cooperate!... He's 13.5 yrs old and long since over fancy posing for Mum.

In the end, I chose to go with this one from... oh, about a decade ago!

These two are my favourite sons circa 1992. They've added a few pounds since then... you can call them Good and Gooder, your guess as to who is who LOL

*Frames by Paula

My Mother-in-law is the only family member who reads my blog and I forgot to mention that I had cancelled the website and returned the blog to Blogger once again. I nagged that if she read it more often.... which is not fair given that I've hardly written anything of late. Sorry Meg, my bad... Now save this page to favourites.

A friend here in town is well connected and managed to get us all the wood we need for our raised garden beds ( 6 of them 2'x8'x20") for half price, so it was only $470! Happy with that. First chance we will get them put together and there is a Home Hardware close by that sells huge totes of dirt/compost/topsoil, etc that we will get to fill them, as well as logs and sticks from the woods for filler.

PS Hi Jody, Thanks for being here :D 


  1. Hi
    Love the photos of Robbie.

  2. Replies
    1. Ah yes, but do you have a name of reference? Diane? Jane? Maynard perhaps?


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