Monday, 22 May 2023

Rain is coming?! Rain is coming!?

'They who never get it right' tell us that there are heavy rains on the way in the coming days. Local oldtimers tell us that it often snows around the May 24 holiday... perhaps 'they' will get it right this time?!

Its been fairly good being here. The town has been fantastic, the meals are much welcome and the local shops are offering discounts to Evacuees - nice touch.

Joan and I went and did some much needed retail therapy. She is having trouble processing what is happening so I think the distraction helps her a lot.

Yesterday, we went to see our Dr about my foot (baby toe, specifically). While I didn't get a prescription for it, she did show me a picture of the sandals I need to get and Brad overheard the convo (which always helps when spending money on shoes). She is sending me for a bone scan because she thinks I may have a hairline crack in the small (Metatarsal) bone portion of my foot.

Today Joan and I are going to shop again for the sandals I tried on yesterday morning which were the very same ones the Dr told me to get (solid wrap around big toe instead of just the sticky-inny-bit that rubs)... go figure. Also there is a local farmer's market and we will throw in a load at the laundromat to do its thing while we shop.

Last night some other friends invited the 4 of us out to their RV park south of town for a game of cards, it was great fun!

Hoping that other than a little bit of shopping there will be no other running around to do and we can relax a little, distractions are good in times like this but its also tiring especially with the stress in the back of your mind.

So far our little community is doing well, fires appear to be diminishing according to the NASA website with satellite imaging, and with the rains on the way, we hope to be home early to mid next week.... fingers crossed.

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