Thought I'd post a quick blog now because later today we expect to be in family territory and likely won't have time/energy to write a blog.
After 12 days of dawdling across the country, well not actual dawdling but its dawdling for us, we are on the last stretch today and Robbie is super excited to see Grandma...
For us who have driven this route several times in 3-4 days, taking 12 days is like a summer stroll across the country. We made several stops along the way, did a bit of shopping at roadside attractions and the like, even spending 3 days at campsites and we're ready to chill out with some family.
We haven't seen the Grandkids since May when we spent a week or so enroute home with our shiny new RV so we're looking forward to seeing them again. They'll be driving in a blink, getting married off and life will take over. Having lived so far away from them for most of their lives already we hope the RV will provide us more opportunity to get to know their little personalities better and watch them grow.
Okay well His Lordship is nagging me to get beautified (like I'm not already!) so I'd best get on with it. We spent last evening in the parking lot of Painted Hand Casino in Yorkton, SK which was not listed on so I sent them the details to be added (could take a month the website tells me) for others in the future.
I will post again in a few days... family bound... bring it on.
Have a wonderful time with family! It's the best part!