Saturday, 23 September 2017

Last day in S'toon

We are leaving here tomorrow.

While we have enjoyed being around family, we didn't get much time with the Grandkids and that was disappointing but we're hoping to see them all today. Although, there is a step-family wedding out of town that I think has thrown a wrench into my plans. Should have gone earlier in the week, I think but time always seemed to run out.

Its my own fault, I knew about the wedding this weekend, its not like I wasn't told... but life sometimes gets away from you and here I sit having probably angered my youngest child who has provided me with said Grandchildren after my nagging him for donkeys years about my biological Grandma clock ticking away.

The advantage to this lifestyle is that we can come and go so much easier than being in a sticks and bricks and being reliant on a $1000 airline flight to see them. So we're hoping to see more of them in future as I think I mentioned in an earlier post.

Today we have nothing to do. Laundry is done and errands are finished. We are just going to chill out today, other than seeing the Grandkids there is nothing left on our list. I sent a text to my youngest last night and haven't heard anything back, so either he's angry at me or he was at a wedding shindig - only time will tell. Of course, I don't have a toad and they do have a car and could have come here... but hauling 3 kids around is quite a chore, I realize.

Regardless of anything, today is a day to relax for us. I still have 2 coolers (Smirnoff Ice) in the little fridge in my brother's garage and I intend to make light work of them later today.

Tomorrow we head off to Woody's to have the solar and warranty work done to the rig before making our way to BC to see Brad's brother.

Big thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for putting up with us these past 2 weeks and to all of you for taking the time to read and comment. I love knowing that I'm not talking to myself...

PS Curtains closed and no condensation last night. Bonus.


  1. There will be lotsa time in the future to see family and grands, we get to see ours more now that when we were working. Good luck with your solar and warranty work.

    1. Thanks, and yes we're hoping it will be that way for us too.

    2. PS I still have no names for you two.

  2. I and George and my wife is Suzie, you should see that in our profile from 11 years ago when we went full-time.

    1. Good morning George, thanks for that. I did find it eventually in the 11-year on the road page but I had been looking in the profile page... sorry about that. Best to Suzie. :) -Katie

    2. No problem now you know, and possible meet up with you guys in the desert this winter.


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