Sunday, 7 January 2018

Joker lives, Cribbage and Prime Rib

I had to run to the office yesterday and jumped into Joker (Golf Cart) to get there. Nothing. Totally dead, damn. The 'fuel gage' said it was full... damn thing must not work. Plugged her in. Nothing. Charger doesn't work. WTH?! The previous owner had left both Joker and her charger outside to be sun beaten and sprinkled on and the poor thing just gave up the ghost.

Waited for Brad to wake up enough to let him know our brand new batteries were dead and there was nothing we could do about it. He went and had a look, nothing.

Karen drove me over to 'the Golf Cart' guys here in the resort but he didn't have one to spare. After much research we ordered one from Amazon Prime which will arrive on Monday $270US. No Joker until it arrives...

After a while Brad says," I think I left it on 'maintenance'".... whaaa? Sure enough there is a maintenance switch and it was flipped when he was cleaning the battery compartment. Once we put it back on 'run' Joker was working. Good news is the charger was still hooped so at least we have that coming but the batteries are still charged until it arrives.

Vicky and Bruce stopped by to show off her daughter (her name escapes me, I'm terrible with names) who just arrived for a holiday with the old folks- lovely girl, very pretty and sharp. At the same time Karen came over because she and I had a date to play Crib. I'm not very good at Crib... she beat me both games.

After the Cribbage match Brad and I went to the new restaurant in the resort, The 15th Hole, now open to the public. Prime Rib night and it was really fantastic. The restaurant has only been open since Monday and they are still working out some glitches which is to be expected but that Prime Rib (actually more of a steak) tasted soooo good. (There is no link to the restaurant as yet) but the address can be found here.

We went to Vicky and Bruce's after supper and had a short visit, they were quite tired but were still waiting on the Crock Pot to finish the Chicken.... Vic, get a damn Instant Pot! While there Brad broke one of their chairs... not saying a word about that! Apparently it was a problematic chair already they assured us. Brad offered to replace it but I guess they are getting new ones anyway.

We were going to put the firepit on but it was a fairly warm night anyway so we just sat inside and I read while Brad watched TV. Too bone-idle to spark a flame.

I have added the Bloggerfest advert I stole from Our Awesome Travels to the sidebar, I'm sure George won't mind. I figured with at least one comment from a fellow Blogger who had not heard of it, it would be worthwhile to have it there. Jan 27th, Quartzsite LTVA South Pavilion.

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