Monday, 22 January 2018

Spent the day in Palm Springs

We decided to go to Palm Springs for the day yesterday and came across a market. It was quite packed but we managed to find parking and off we went for a little retail therapy.

The palm trees in Palm Desert have a burnt look, not sure if they apply something to them for bugs or if they actually burn the bark.

Come on Mum let's go shop!

Brad noticed this display of old foofoo hats

He wanted me to try one on, I don't think so Maynard!

Brad had a hotdog for lunch

I ordered the ribs

We wandered around and found some interesting things for the site, picked up a couple of business cards so we will know where to go when we're ready to put decor on the site. I found a summer dress (I almost never wear dresses, but it gets hot here...) and a tank top that reads 'Sassy since birth'. Perfect.

Once we got home I went across the creek and played a couple hands of Crib with Karen. If you recall, everyone is teaching me how to play. I'm still learning but getting better. We tied in 2 games.

After supper Brad asked if I'd play him.... uh..... okay. Brad is pretty damn good at Crib and I seem to recall beating him once before but in the hundreds of games we've played over the years, once was all I could manage. This time at least I didn't get skunked.

Brad won game 1

I kicked his a**,  game 2

Wouldn't you know it... Brad wins the tie breaker.

Today, Brad is going for a massage and I am looking forward to sitting outside in what 'they' say will be warm temperatures. Its been cool here for 2 days (hence the sweater in the picture above). Brad threatens to send me to Saskatchewan every time I moan that its cold here... It's all relative, of course. Expected to be in the 20's again today, at least that's what they said yesterday... 'they' have likely changed it since then.

Personally, I think we should go back to the old weather teller system because this new fandangled way of predicting the weather frankly sucks!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like the COD (College of the Desert) market in Palm Springs always a busy place. Looks like you had a great day.


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