Friday, 4 December 2020

Etsy shop up and running

I'm still waiting to hear from the local market... sent an email to inquire for status update.... meanwhile... Nevermind, just heard and we're all set up on the local online market too. Yay.

Without a commercial kitchen we are limited to basic foods although I will be inquiring about this because I'd really like to do EggNog bites but it's technically a dairy and homebased are not allowed to do dairy -- except that people sell eggs all the time and that's dairy, so..... it's not like I'm making the EggNog, it will be Dairyland brand or whatever.... but... also we are considering buying a 2nd machine but we'll wait and see how things go first.

We have our Etsy shop set up, it still needs tweaking with the usual foofoo stuff but until then the basic site is operating with items I have ready for sale. There will be plenty more options added in the coming days and weeks so check back often to see what's in store...

Of course, I have a special promo code for my favourite blog readers.... just click here --->>TRLT20 for 20% off.   **Canada Only at the moment, I'm afraid.

Click image to see more


  1. Wishing lots of luck to you and Brad that your new venture is very successful.

  2. Congratulations on your new business. Maybe in the future we'll be able to give it a try.
    Keep track of your expenses in case Revenue Canada comes knocking.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Great. I'm excited to hear how it goes over. I have visions of pkgs. flying out the door. Good luck!

    1. I made 2 sales online in the first 24 hours, so I'm happy with that since no one knows of it yet.

  4. Store looks nice. When you get to selling in US I'll order. Always wanted to eat some poop!

    1. US is coming very soon. I could do it now but I need room to breathe during this opening phase... I won't forget and it will be sorted in the next week or so.


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