Thursday, 10 December 2020

Skittles to Unicorn Poop

I thought this was priceless, so...
I give to you

John in Bibs


  1. That's a cool video. How is the business going? All sold out already?

    1. Well, I only opened on Thursday and I sold almost $250 this week. Someone in Ontario bought some items I shipped out yesterday too. The woman who runs the online market on Salt Spring asked me to bring down a bunch of stuff and she will dish them out to anyone who buys from her website, so I'd say its been a productive week!

    2. Oh, and I added the U.S on for postage also. :D

  2. Looks almost like a SiFi movie taking place.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Cool, right?! I loved it. Its so fun to watch it in action especially the way he put it to that music.


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